Connecticut arsenic and uranium water testing
New USGS Report Shows High Levels of Arsenic and Uranium in Some Connecticut Wells
A new U.S. Geological Survey study provides an updated, statewide estimate of high levels of naturally occurring arsenic and uranium in private well water across Connecticut. The research, undertaken in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Public Health, projects that approximately 3.9% of private wells across Connecticut contain water with arsenic at concentrations higher than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contaminant level for public drinking-water supplies. This research also projects that 4.7% of private wells in the state have uranium concentrations higher than the EPA’s standards.

NBC News Coverage on this recent development
Typical Residential Arsenic and Uranium Mitigation Systems
Arsenic, Uranium, Radon in Water and many other elements can compromise the health and wellness of you and your family. Barlow Pump offers several affordable systems to keep your water safe for you and your family. And don't forget to ask us about our easy financing!
Get your water testing for Arsenic and Uranium